Receta del mazapán - Marzipan recipe

Year 3 and year 4 students have cooked this Spanish Christmas recipe and here they show us exactly how they did it. We hope you enjoy it and we dare you to cook it yourself! Have fun and merry Christmas!

Difficulty: easy

INGREDIENTES                                       INGREDIENTS
Almendra molida                                       Smash Almond
Un huevo                                                  One egg 
Azúcar Glas                                             Icing sugar

     PASO 1                                                       STEP 1
Echamos todos los ingredientes en un bol                 We put all the ingridients in a bowl 


PASO 2                                                                                STEP 2
Mezclamos los ingredientes                                             We mix the ingredients

 PASO 3                                                                                   STEP 3
Batimos la yema del huevo                                                      We whip the egg yolk


Le damos formas, añadimos el huevo Shape pieces of dough, add the egg and place them on an
y las ponemos en el horno. oven tray.

¡Y a disfrutar!  Enjoy! 

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